This is a special thank you from Steven Turner at Plant Lives Matter LLC. I wanted to reach out to you personally in this letter to say that this company has made great progress in many ways this year. Here is the progress report….

This will be the end of the second year in business since Plant Lives Matter was registered with and the state of Florida in early January of 2020. Since then there has been a lot that has been improved on in every way. From goals, community outreach, and sponsored events, Plant Lives Matter LLC is well on its way to making a healthier choice for people in their landscapes. Not only has efficiency and affordability been balanced, but local networking, and community influence is much better than last year. This year Plant LIves Matter has sponsored both events for the Brooksville Main Street: Beautify Booksville in the spring and fall. We planted 37 native plants last spring into the downtown visible areas near the courthouse. Lowes supplies many plants to sponsor the event as well, but doesn’t care if the plants live or not and putting native plants in the landscape not only increases the success of the survival of the plants, but also adds attractive colors and food for the pollinators. Plant Lives Matter worked with the local Brooksville Women’s Club located downtown and we installed several native plants in this landscape project as well. Brooksville has recently reached out to a CGI company from New York to help better represent and promote local business and Brooksville as a city altogether. Plant Lives Matter partnered with a local Videographer Chay Nott with, to create a video for the CGI team from New York to put on their promotional video along with several other local businesses. This will show people some of our local community spirit to people looking to move here in the future as well as help people already here to see what we have to offer each other in a different way. To see the promotional video for Plant Lives Matter, visit the website

Along with all this, I have been writing articles in the ridge manor newspaper monthly for several months now. These include articles that talk about people feeling separate from their environments, why Plant Lives Matter, soil health and Florida’s poor soils being the cause for lacking any green thumb individuals, and much more. To read the previous articles, find them all on the website I am aiming to transfer these articles to be published in the Hernando Sun newspaper next year hopefully by June, 2023. Along with all this, I have been networking like crazy and meeting lots of people. I regularly volunteer at a nearby farm school every Tuesday morning and have been since soon after I started Plant Lives Matter LLC. I take online courses that help to better understand our relationship with our community and the planet. For more information visit I also have established new relationships from the Native Plant Society of Hernando County, Native and non native plant Nurseries within 100 miles of Brooksville, and several farmers locally growing seeds, food, and herbs. I highly recommend following Doug Poteet with Souls n Soils on facebook and or Deserea Canora at Innovation Collective at is another group or organization Plant Lives Matter LLC has been working with to support local entrepreneurs and or business owners in their growth and ideas for innovation locally.

They are getting well established here in Brooksville thanks to some local community members that have brought their interest right here! This has great potential and I highly recommend at least finding more information about them on their website After meeting the founder, I realized the potential and success already in Idaho where it originally recently was established.

So all in all, I have been very busy and have successfully installed several edible and native plant landscapes this year and would love to focus the business more and more on this throughout the future years of Plant Lives Matter LLC. Yes, i will still provide the other services such as mowing, chainsaw operating, and regular landscape services. Thanks again to all the support you all have given to the growth of this company so far and i look forward to continually serving you all and the greater surrounding communities of our local beloved town Brooksville Florida.

God Bless and Happy Hollidays!

Always remember, we are NOT separate from each other or our environments and Plant Lives Matter!

Thank You,
Steven Turner
Plant Lives Matter LLC